Non-Smoking Policy


Rosemay Hotel is committed to providing a clean and healthy environment for all our guests. This Non-Smoking Policy is established to ensure the comfort and well-being of our guests by maintaining a smoke-free atmosphere within the hotel premises.

1. Designated Non-Smoking Areas:

1.1. Entire Hotel Property:

  • Smoking is strictly prohibited in all indoor areas of Rosemay Hotel, including guest rooms, hallways, lobbies, and common spaces.

1.2. Outdoor Designated Smoking Areas:

  • Designated outdoor smoking areas are available on the hotel property. Guests are requested to use these areas if they choose to smoke.

2. Guest Room Policy:

2.1. Smoke-Free Guest Rooms:

  • All guest rooms at Rosemay Hotel are designated as non-smoking. Smoking in guest rooms, including the use of e-cigarettes or vaping devices, is strictly prohibited.

2.2. Smoke-Free Balconies:

  • Balconies attached to guest rooms are also considered non-smoking areas. Guests are requested to refrain from smoking on balconies to prevent the entry of smoke into guest rooms.

3. Consequences of Violating Policy:

3.1. Cleaning Fee:

  • Guests found smoking in non-designated areas, including guest rooms, will be subject to a cleaning fee to restore the room to a smoke-free condition. This fee will be charged to the guest’s account.

3.2. Room Displacement:

  • In cases of repeated violations, guests may be asked to leave the hotel without a refund, and future reservations may be refused.

4. Smoking Devices:

4.1. Prohibited Devices:

  • The use of smoking devices, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, e-cigarettes, and vaping devices, is not allowed in non-designated areas.

4.2. Fire Safety:

  • Smoking poses a fire hazard, and guests are reminded to adhere to this policy for the safety of all occupants.

5. Guest Cooperation:

5.1. Guest Responsibility:

  • Guests are responsible for adhering to the Non-Smoking Policy. Please be considerate of other guests and use designated smoking areas.

5.2. Guest Education:

  • Information about the Non-Smoking Policy is provided during check-in, and guests are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the policy.

6. Reporting Violations:

6.1. Guest Reporting:

  • Guests who observe violations of the Non-Smoking Policy are encouraged to report such incidents to hotel staff.

6.2. Staff Intervention:

  • Hotel staff are authorized to intervene and address any violations of the Non-Smoking Policy.

7. Contact Information:

7.1. Reception Desk:

  • For inquiries or assistance related to the Non-Smoking Policy, guests are encouraged to contact the reception desk.

We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to our Non-Smoking Policy. If you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact our front desk.

Newly-renovated 4- Star Boutique Hotel located near to Heathrow Airport with direct access into Central London.

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