Wi-Fi Usage Policy


Rosemay Hotels is pleased to provide complimentary Wi-Fi access to our guests. This Wi-Fi Usage Policy is established to ensure the optimal and fair use of our network while maintaining a secure and enjoyable online experience for all guests.

1. Acceptable Use:

1.1. Intended Purpose:

  • The hotel’s Wi-Fi network is provided for the convenience of guests to access the internet for activities such as web browsing, email, and general online communication.

1.2. Lawful Activities:

  • Users must engage in lawful and responsible activities while using the Wi-Fi network. Any illegal activities or violations of applicable laws are strictly prohibited.

2. Network Security:

2.1. Access Credentials:

  • Guests are responsible for keeping their Wi-Fi access credentials (username and password) confidential. Sharing access credentials with unauthorised individuals is strictly prohibited.

2.2. Network Monitoring:

  • The hotel reserves the right to monitor network usage for security and performance purposes. Any suspicious or malicious activity may result in the termination of access.

3. Bandwidth Management:

3.1. Fair Usage:

  • To ensure fair and equal access for all guests, bandwidth may be managed. Excessive or abusive use of bandwidth that affects the network’s performance for others is not allowed.

3.2. Streaming and Downloads:

  • While streaming and downloading are permitted, users are requested to be mindful of the impact on overall network performance and to avoid excessive use that may hinder others’ experience.

4. Prohibited Activities:

4.1. Illegal Content:

  • Accessing, downloading, or distributing illegal or copyrighted content is strictly prohibited.

4.2. Malicious Software:

  • Users must not engage in activities that introduce viruses, malware, or any form of malicious software to the network.

5. Connectivity Limitations:

5.1. Number of Devices:

  • The hotel may limit the number of devices connected per guest room to ensure fair usage and network stability.

5.2. Device Compatibility:

  • The hotel is not responsible for ensuring compatibility with all devices. Guests are responsible for configuring their devices to connect to the Wi-Fi network.

6. Guest Education:

6.1. Information:

  • Information on connecting to the Wi-Fi network and this usage policy will be provided during the check-in process. Guests are encouraged to familiarise themselves with these guidelines.

7. Disclaimer:

7.1. Network Reliability:

  • While every effort is made to provide a reliable Wi-Fi service, the hotel cannot guarantee uninterrupted or error-free connectivity at all times.

7.2. External Content:

  • The hotel is not responsible for the content accessed by users on the internet. Guests are advised to exercise caution and adhere to applicable laws and regulations.

8. Contact Information:

8.1. Technical Support:

  • For technical assistance or inquiries related to Wi-Fi access, guests are encouraged to contact the hotel’s technical support at Reception Desk. 

We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to our Wi-Fi Usage Policy. If you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact our staff for technical support.

Newly-renovated 4- Star Boutique Hotel located near to Heathrow Airport with direct access into Central London.

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